2019 Week 41 Security news summary
A couple of weeks ago 3 Alabama hospitals were struck with ransomware on the same day. This caused patients to be diverted and surgeries to be postponed or moved to other facilities. It was disclosed this week they have decided to pay for decryption. - ThreatPost has this to say about the situation. They do note that insurance plays a part in deciding to pay without specifically saying that it was an insurance company that made the choice in this case: https://threatpost.com/alabama-hospitals-pay-up-ransomware-attack/148937/ - Cyware has an article on the hacking techniques that have been seen so far in 2019. Some highlights: ( https://cyware.com/news/new-hacking-techniques-discovered-in-2019-so-far-3fac14b5 ) - Ctrl-Alt-LED is a technique to use against air-gapped systems that us...