
Showing posts from October, 2021

Week 41 Security Roundup

 Summary It was a slow week for SLTT and Infrastructure news.   News Report on the 'abysmal' state of security in ICS Continuing with a theme, another researcher finds that our ICS security is so bad that it is putting national security interests in jeopardy. Joint Advisory on Blackmatter ransomware The CISA, FBI, and NSA released a joint advisory with information about the Blackmatter ransomware package that appears to have been created by (or last least borrowing from) The Dark Side group.  In information released around the advisory, it was reported that this package was seen in attacks against 2 agriculture companies in the United States in September.

2021 Weeks 32-40 Security Roundup

  Summary Let me apologize for the long delay right upfront.  First, we had a round of Covid in the household in a person who is immune-compromised.  Next, I started a new semester in college and the workload was far greater than I expected.  Lastly, this is the start of the budget year for us and I had several projects that have demanded almost every second of my work time.  I hope to get back to weekly updates by November. Lots of news that covers:  health care, education, infrastructure, and SLTT governments around the world.  Since I am hitting the length limitations of Blogger, I will simply invite you to read and try and get caught up yourself.  News UC San Diego Health sued over breach In what is becoming a growing trend UC San Diego Health is being sued for failure to have proper data protection protocols.  The suit is citing breach of contract, negligence, and violating California consumer and medical privacy laws.  Specifically...