Do you own you?

One of my consistent rants is that we no longer own our image.  When I first started going to college in the 80's one of my legal type classes discussed the fact that people who enter certain professions (actors, artists, politicians, reporters, etc.) give up the right to have a private life.  Their every move is watched and analyzed.  People make judgements on them based solely on data and not on who they are.
These days this goes for all of us.  We are now traced from prenatal to well after death.  We have lost our individuality and are now part of a vast sea of data owned by companies.  People fear the government getting too much information, but what happens when the one who owns your data is a private organization?  If they loose it what legal recourse do you have?  And, as I have pointed out before, what happens if the government gains access to it?

The Hill has an article about both the pros and cons of this new world we find ourselves in...


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