From the YDOY files... Facebook to predict where you are going

Facebook has filed 3 patents that together will help their AI figure out where you are going.  I have noticed that Way's now tells me that on this day you normally go X would you like to get directions to X?  I suspect this is something that many companies will offer in the future.  To get this information though, they have to have a good idea of who you are and what your travel patters are.

Offline Trajectories patenet

Location Prediction Patent:

Predicting Locations and movements based on historic locations patent:,+Inc%22.AANM.&s2=%22Location+data%22&OS=AANM/%22Facebook,+Inc%22+AND+%22Location+data%22&RS=AANM/%22Facebook,+Inc%22+AND+%22Location+data%22


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