2022 Week 5 Summary


News came this week of several new cyber security operation centers.  This is a great idea.  The harder we make it for the bad guys the more likely they are to try and figure out something else to do.  We also have some advisories about issues in Industrial Control Systems(ICS).



Several Puerto Rico government entities were struck by a cyberattack including the territories Senate.  Still not a lot of information at this time.

The Port of Los Angeles has opened its own Cyber Resilience Center (CRC).  This CRC will ensure that the port is protected from cyber threats that might impact cargo shipments that come into one of the world's most active seaports.  


The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is looking at implementing a new regulation that would mandate owners and operators to monitor network security.  At the time they are seeking public comment.  


Medical IoT security company Cynerio released a report saying that 53% of connected medical devices or hospital-related IoT devices have known critical security issues.  Additionally, they reported that 1/3 of all bedside health-related IoT devices have critical risks.  

County of Kings, California alerted the public that a misconfiguration on their website lead to the exposure of sensitive medical information.  The error was made by a 3rd party contractor, and the flaw was in place for most of 2021.  They do not know of any use of the flaw but alerted the public so they can take whatever action they feel necessary.

The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) has one of the strangest data breach disclosures I read this week.  They let 5,015 people know that their health plan information was stolen during a hack in August.  There has been no answer as to why RIPTA had the records in the first place as they are not employee records.  I will be following up.

Legislative actions 

New Mexico USA has filed several bills.  HB122 seeks to increase the cybersecurity of public schools.  HB98 would create an Office of Cybersecurity.  


Pennsylvania has passed a new law that bans state and local governments from using taxpayer money to pay cyber ransoms.  They also approved a bill to create an Office of Information Technology and required it to oversee cybersecurity best practices for state agencies. 


Not exactly legislation but regulatory activity...  The U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted to make a new policy requiring broadband providers to be more transparent on actual delivery and reliability specs in a program based on the USDA nutrition labels.  


The state of Oklahoma has a cyber analyst position open.


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